Accelerator Program for Pre-launch and Pre-seed Companies

Our Accelerator Program provides comprehensive support to pre-launch and pre-seed companies, ensuring they are ready for market success.

Swift’s Accelerator Program offers early-stage companies the guidance, resources, and support needed to refine their business model, develop their product, and prepare for market entry and fundraising.

Strategic Mentorship

Our program provides hands-on mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs and industry experts. We help you navigate early-stage challenges and refine your business strategy.

Product Development Support

Swift offers technical resources and guidance to help you develop a robust and market-ready product. Our team assists with rapid prototyping, MVP development, and product iterations based on user feedback.

Market Entry Preparation

We help you create a compelling go-to-market strategy, including identifying target audiences, developing value propositions, and planning effective marketing campaigns to ensure a successful launch.

Fundraising Readiness

Our program prepares you for fundraising by refining your pitch, helping you build financial projections, and connecting you with our network of investors to secure early-stage funding.

Operational Setup

We assist in setting up efficient operational processes, including legal and regulatory compliance, financial management, and team structure, to ensure your startup is built on a solid foundation.

Swift's Services